This may be confusing :) I was a little confused myself. I emailed my teacher who set up our rotations about the one I had asked for in Seattle and how it wasn't listed on my schedule. It took her a little time to get back to me but she did!
And I had 2 options, because the rotation that that one would replace is at a time (May - June) when the pharmacist up there isn't available. So I had to do some rearranging.
Option #1 was that I could just switch that rotation with my off rotation in September. Which seemed like an easy solution, but I was leary of having my off rotation first, because then I don't have a break at all. I will have a few weeks off here and there, but no big break before I'm done next May. Plus May's schedule had already been made up for work, and I was hoping to get some extra hours in while on break to save up some money.
And option #2 was to pick a new one for my October rotation (which I was really looking forward to) at Corum and move that to May and go to Seattle in October. There were a couple problems with that, I didn't want to lose my rotation at Corum, I have met the pharmacy director there and really liked him. Also I wasn't sure about the weather in Washington in October :) I don't wanna see too much rain or snow for that matter, lol.
So after discussing it with loved ones and co-workers, I decided to go with option one. Although my off rotation is first, it will give me a chance to make some extra money for the summer and I will be able to have a little more time to prepare for rotations. For example I need to get dress clothes :) Plus I figure that going to Seattle will be somewhat of a break, even though I'll still have a rotation it will be different. This way I still get to go to Seattle and I'll still get to go to Corum as well, so really I'm getting everything that I had wanted.
Although I will miss everyone, 5 weeks will go by very quickly I'm sure. And Rich is driving with me up there (since I will need my car to get around) and flying back. And then going to come get me when I'm done. That way I won't have to make the long drive by myself.
So I get to go afterall!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
rotation jitters
So I'm really getting nervous about rotations :) just because I don't really know what to expect. I talked to one of our pharmacists about it today and she said it's only weird for the first few days when you kind of find your place. I am excited to find out where I'll be going though, and when I'll be going to Seattle.
I bought a PDA the other day too, just waiting for it to get here. It's an HP iPAQ, so it runs on windows, and it has bluetooth and WiFi. And it has a memory card slot, so I bought a 2 gb memory card too. I bought it because I think it will be helpful for rotations. There are programs you can download or buy with drug information that will make it easier to look up information, especially when I'm not home, cause I'm definitely not carrying my therapeutics notes around with me, since I have four 5" binders full of stuff.
I bought a PDA the other day too, just waiting for it to get here. It's an HP iPAQ, so it runs on windows, and it has bluetooth and WiFi. And it has a memory card slot, so I bought a 2 gb memory card too. I bought it because I think it will be helpful for rotations. There are programs you can download or buy with drug information that will make it easier to look up information, especially when I'm not home, cause I'm definitely not carrying my therapeutics notes around with me, since I have four 5" binders full of stuff.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So we found out yesterday, that we'll know our rotations by Monday! Can't wait.
Easter was good. Rich's parents came to our family's get-together and finally met my parents. The 6 of us ate in the dining room together so they could get to know each other a little. They seemed to like each other,haha.
Someone was teasing them as they were leaving that they didn't have time to quiz them on everyone's names. So Rich's Mom went through everybody and named a bunch of them, which is pretty impressive because of the size of our family. I found out later, from his Dad that she remembered everyone's names but my parents, lol. She couldn't remember Dad's name and that was all his Dad did remember. :)
Easter was good. Rich's parents came to our family's get-together and finally met my parents. The 6 of us ate in the dining room together so they could get to know each other a little. They seemed to like each other,haha.
Someone was teasing them as they were leaving that they didn't have time to quiz them on everyone's names. So Rich's Mom went through everybody and named a bunch of them, which is pretty impressive because of the size of our family. I found out later, from his Dad that she remembered everyone's names but my parents, lol. She couldn't remember Dad's name and that was all his Dad did remember. :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Great news!
Some great news!
Rich's teacher was doing some fundraising for the school (East Central college) and ended up with too much money :) Never a problem I've heard of before, lol, but they had $2,500 extra. So he decided to give it as a scholarship. He worked with the Dean and some other peoples and decided based on need and performance in the drafting program. They decided on one $1,000 and three $500 scholarships. Rich didn't know anything about it or that his teacher had thrown his name into the hat until his teacher gave him a letter during class last night.
He got the $1,000 scholarship!!! And since he's already paid for this semesters classes they'll just cut him a check! How awesome is that.?And when his teacher was telling the class, he said it'd come to no surprise that it was Rich who got it!
I also heard back from my teacher on my out-of-town rotation! Looks like I'll be going to Seattle for about 5 weeks after all! I'm excited, I think it will be so much fun to go up there and be able to stay with Uncle Glen and Aunt Margaret! Although I've never been away from everyone for so long, lol. It's gonna suck to not be able to see Rich, and everyone else for that matter, for 5 weeks. But I think the experience will be worth it. I'll be able to see what another state does as far as pharmacies are run, and the different laws they have. Because you'd be surprised how different the laws are state to state. For example, in Illinois you only have 7 days I beleive to fill a prescription for a C2 controlled substance, and here you have the entire 6 months that the prescription is good for. So people will come over from Illinois if for some reason they don't get it filled in time. Also, my aunt has lupus so I will be able to see a day-to-day example of a patient (sounds funny to call her a patient, but whatever) who struggles with a chronic condition. And the efforts she has to go through with her medical care. I think it will be a good reference for the future, an example of what it is like on their side. A lesson in empathy and compassion I guess you could say.
Rich's teacher was doing some fundraising for the school (East Central college) and ended up with too much money :) Never a problem I've heard of before, lol, but they had $2,500 extra. So he decided to give it as a scholarship. He worked with the Dean and some other peoples and decided based on need and performance in the drafting program. They decided on one $1,000 and three $500 scholarships. Rich didn't know anything about it or that his teacher had thrown his name into the hat until his teacher gave him a letter during class last night.
He got the $1,000 scholarship!!! And since he's already paid for this semesters classes they'll just cut him a check! How awesome is that.?And when his teacher was telling the class, he said it'd come to no surprise that it was Rich who got it!
I also heard back from my teacher on my out-of-town rotation! Looks like I'll be going to Seattle for about 5 weeks after all! I'm excited, I think it will be so much fun to go up there and be able to stay with Uncle Glen and Aunt Margaret! Although I've never been away from everyone for so long, lol. It's gonna suck to not be able to see Rich, and everyone else for that matter, for 5 weeks. But I think the experience will be worth it. I'll be able to see what another state does as far as pharmacies are run, and the different laws they have. Because you'd be surprised how different the laws are state to state. For example, in Illinois you only have 7 days I beleive to fill a prescription for a C2 controlled substance, and here you have the entire 6 months that the prescription is good for. So people will come over from Illinois if for some reason they don't get it filled in time. Also, my aunt has lupus so I will be able to see a day-to-day example of a patient (sounds funny to call her a patient, but whatever) who struggles with a chronic condition. And the efforts she has to go through with her medical care. I think it will be a good reference for the future, an example of what it is like on their side. A lesson in empathy and compassion I guess you could say.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
As promised :)
Pics from Chicago! If you go we would definitely recommend going to the Museum of Science and Industry it was awesome!
I'm posting the few pics with us actually im them, there are a ton more in the album, but it's mostly scenery and architecture, lol enjoy if you have the time
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend fun
First off I don't have pics of Chicago yet... I accidentally left my camera in Rich's car so he has all of them :) I'll get them eventually, but since I have a big test this week it'll probably be next weekend or so.
Yesterday I got to play good Samaritan. (just a side note, I always wonder how many people know where that saying actually came from :) While I was at Mom's shop getting ready to head to St. Louis, Mom saw a woman pulled over on the highway right in front of the shop. She said she looked like she needed help, but since she couldn't leave the shop she asked if I'd go ask if she needed a cell phone or anything. So I pulled over on the service road and jumped out to see if she needed anything, and she was definitely kind of frantic, poor thing. She was 8 months pregnant and following her husband home to Hermann. She said she felt like she was having a heart attack because her heart started racing and she thought she was going to pass out. So she pulled over, but her phone wasn't working. She got out, and said she felt better with some fresh air. I guess she tried flagging down some cars, because someone else pulled over on the service road and he saw her from the highway. She was using my phone to try and call her husband, who wasn't answering. So she called her Mom and told her what happened. We were tying to figure out if she wanted to go to the hospital, because she said she was scared to drive again, and she was worried that something was wrong with her pregnancy. The guy offered to drive her to the hospital in Wentzville, or to the Urgent Care in Warrenton, he even offered to drive her home to Hermann. She told him thanks for the offer but that she couldn't get in the car with a stranger. She said she would rather wait for her parents to get there (they also lived in Hermann) or for her husband, but she wasn't even sure if he saw her pull over. But then her husband came up behind her on the highway, he saw her pull over right by the exit, so he pulled off and drove all the way to Foristell to get back on the highway going west. So she told him what happened. The guy offered to bring their van to the commuter lot if she thought she wasn't going to be able to drive so that it was off the highway. So he jumped in the back of his truck and jumped the fence, and helped them move it. And that was it. The poor thing though was definitely freaked out. She thanked me about 20 times for using the phone, and she even apologized once for taking so long. I told her not to worry about it, that I wasn't in a hurry and I just hoped that everything was alright. So I went back to the shop and told Mom what happened. It was definitely interesting. I was just glad I could help her out.
Also just a funny story from last night. Rich decided when he spent $7.50 on a pack of cigarettes in Chicago that it was time to quit smoking! YAY! So he bought the Nicoderm patches, because he didn't think he could quit cold turkey. So yesterday was his first day on it. And he did very well. Last night he came down cause we were celebrating Andi's birthday by having a few drinks :) and playing Sing Star (which was a blast, I would definitely recommend it). Well in the middle of the night, I guess Rich's patch somehow came off his arm, and ended up on my back... I woke up sweating and kicked off the covers, and then I was cold. I was rolling over and over and couldn't get comfortable. I felt like I needed to move, so my arms and legs kept twitching and I couldn't fall back to sleep. Eventually I guess I did,and I slept ok from then, but when the alarm went off for Rich, I was wide awake. When I rolled over to turn it off, I felt something on my back and realized it was his patch... no wonder I couldn't sleep earlier. And then I had a killer headache. So I told Rich he's no longer allowed to wear them at night :) It's not like he smoked at night anyway. But I made myself sleep after that to try to get rid of my headache and I slept until 2 in the afternoon, crazy. Rich felt bad, but he keeps teasing me that I'll be smoking by tomorrow because of the cravings, lol.
Yesterday I got to play good Samaritan. (just a side note, I always wonder how many people know where that saying actually came from :) While I was at Mom's shop getting ready to head to St. Louis, Mom saw a woman pulled over on the highway right in front of the shop. She said she looked like she needed help, but since she couldn't leave the shop she asked if I'd go ask if she needed a cell phone or anything. So I pulled over on the service road and jumped out to see if she needed anything, and she was definitely kind of frantic, poor thing. She was 8 months pregnant and following her husband home to Hermann. She said she felt like she was having a heart attack because her heart started racing and she thought she was going to pass out. So she pulled over, but her phone wasn't working. She got out, and said she felt better with some fresh air. I guess she tried flagging down some cars, because someone else pulled over on the service road and he saw her from the highway. She was using my phone to try and call her husband, who wasn't answering. So she called her Mom and told her what happened. We were tying to figure out if she wanted to go to the hospital, because she said she was scared to drive again, and she was worried that something was wrong with her pregnancy. The guy offered to drive her to the hospital in Wentzville, or to the Urgent Care in Warrenton, he even offered to drive her home to Hermann. She told him thanks for the offer but that she couldn't get in the car with a stranger. She said she would rather wait for her parents to get there (they also lived in Hermann) or for her husband, but she wasn't even sure if he saw her pull over. But then her husband came up behind her on the highway, he saw her pull over right by the exit, so he pulled off and drove all the way to Foristell to get back on the highway going west. So she told him what happened. The guy offered to bring their van to the commuter lot if she thought she wasn't going to be able to drive so that it was off the highway. So he jumped in the back of his truck and jumped the fence, and helped them move it. And that was it. The poor thing though was definitely freaked out. She thanked me about 20 times for using the phone, and she even apologized once for taking so long. I told her not to worry about it, that I wasn't in a hurry and I just hoped that everything was alright. So I went back to the shop and told Mom what happened. It was definitely interesting. I was just glad I could help her out.
Also just a funny story from last night. Rich decided when he spent $7.50 on a pack of cigarettes in Chicago that it was time to quit smoking! YAY! So he bought the Nicoderm patches, because he didn't think he could quit cold turkey. So yesterday was his first day on it. And he did very well. Last night he came down cause we were celebrating Andi's birthday by having a few drinks :) and playing Sing Star (which was a blast, I would definitely recommend it). Well in the middle of the night, I guess Rich's patch somehow came off his arm, and ended up on my back... I woke up sweating and kicked off the covers, and then I was cold. I was rolling over and over and couldn't get comfortable. I felt like I needed to move, so my arms and legs kept twitching and I couldn't fall back to sleep. Eventually I guess I did,and I slept ok from then, but when the alarm went off for Rich, I was wide awake. When I rolled over to turn it off, I felt something on my back and realized it was his patch... no wonder I couldn't sleep earlier. And then I had a killer headache. So I told Rich he's no longer allowed to wear them at night :) It's not like he smoked at night anyway. But I made myself sleep after that to try to get rid of my headache and I slept until 2 in the afternoon, crazy. Rich felt bad, but he keeps teasing me that I'll be smoking by tomorrow because of the cravings, lol.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Lovin Chicago! We somehow got an upgrade to a king suite :) (I bet they wanted a good review on expedia lol) It's still not a real big room, but we have a seperate sitting area, as well as the bedroom. We got here a little late so we didn't do much tonight. Just walked around for a little while and took in some scenery, then stopped by a grocery store to get some stuff to eat. Tomorrow we'll have lots to do with our City Passes, hopefully the weather's nice.
Oh yeah, we got pulled over on the way out, lol. A state trooped plulled up next to us, and then all of a sudden slowed down. I guess they ran the plates cause they didn't pull us over right away. But eventually he did, and it was because he thought Rich wasn't wearing a seatbelt (which I didn't know you could be pulled over for, but apparently in IL you can). The female officer in the passenger side was pretty funny, when they were next to us, she stared us down and pulled her sunglasses down her nose to get a better look I guess. When we were waiting for the officer to come back I realized I was wearing my Drugs are my life shirt from school, lol. But he didn't say anything about that when he came back, he did although say something about me crocheting (I was really knitting :) in the car, apparently he thought that was funny cause Rich saw him laughing in the car, lol. Luckily we didn't get a ticket, cause Mom said the fees just went up recently. The officer just told Rich to wear it over his shoulder from now on. :) No harm no foul, but it looks like we can't go on vacation without some sort of problems :)
Oh yeah, we got pulled over on the way out, lol. A state trooped plulled up next to us, and then all of a sudden slowed down. I guess they ran the plates cause they didn't pull us over right away. But eventually he did, and it was because he thought Rich wasn't wearing a seatbelt (which I didn't know you could be pulled over for, but apparently in IL you can). The female officer in the passenger side was pretty funny, when they were next to us, she stared us down and pulled her sunglasses down her nose to get a better look I guess. When we were waiting for the officer to come back I realized I was wearing my Drugs are my life shirt from school, lol. But he didn't say anything about that when he came back, he did although say something about me crocheting (I was really knitting :) in the car, apparently he thought that was funny cause Rich saw him laughing in the car, lol. Luckily we didn't get a ticket, cause Mom said the fees just went up recently. The officer just told Rich to wear it over his shoulder from now on. :) No harm no foul, but it looks like we can't go on vacation without some sort of problems :)
Monday, March 9, 2009

So Rich and I decided kind of last minute to go to Chicago this weekend for Spring Break! I'm so excited! I booked our hotel today, and was looking at some stuff to do and got directions and such... we found a Day's Inn about 20 minutes outside of downtown for only $68 a night. No pool though :( lol
We'll be leaving sometime on Sunday and returning on St. Patricks day... we were excited when we realized we'd be there on St. Patty's and thought we could see the parade, but they do their parade on Saturday so we won't get to see it. They even dye the Chicago river green! But that's ok, we'll have plenty of stuff to do. We got these city passes which includes admission to a bunch of stuff for the time that we'll be down there, including the Sear's Tower deck, the Field's museum, the aquarium, the planetarium, and the museum of science and industy :) which Rich was excited about, lol
I can't wait... but it's a little distracting when I have 2 tests in the next 2 days :)
And I now have all of the songs from Chicago stuck in my head, lol
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just thought this was humorous! Some funny news for once... This is from the Arch's website but the last link goes to KSDK's story.
Yesterday morning, just across the river, commuters received a strange warning from a construction sign. Instead of useful information, it read "Daily Lane Closures Due To Zombies". Now, if zombies where actually to become a standard road hazard, this sign would be very useful. However, this was not the case on Tuesday morning (as far as I know). Apparently, it is believed, a person hacked the sign via a remote connection and altered it. This type of occurrence seems to be on the rise too. I've recently read similar stories from other places around the country. This leads me to my question: Is it just someone having some fun, or could this catch on as a new form of graffiti?
You can read more here and see the pictures.
Yesterday morning, just across the river, commuters received a strange warning from a construction sign. Instead of useful information, it read "Daily Lane Closures Due To Zombies". Now, if zombies where actually to become a standard road hazard, this sign would be very useful. However, this was not the case on Tuesday morning (as far as I know). Apparently, it is believed, a person hacked the sign via a remote connection and altered it. This type of occurrence seems to be on the rise too. I've recently read similar stories from other places around the country. This leads me to my question: Is it just someone having some fun, or could this catch on as a new form of graffiti?
You can read more here and see the pictures.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
This is an illusion I saw in class one day, just thought it was interesting. Most people only see her going in one direction, clockwise or counterclockwise. Some can get her to reverse.
I can only see her going clockwise. They say if you see it going counterclockwise you use your left brain more (think logic and stuff), and if you see her going clockwise you use your right brain more (think art and stuff). I'm not sure that I beleive that though because they surveyed our class and only about 10% saw it going counterclockwise.
What do you see?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
MORE snow!
No snow day today either even though we got close to 6 inches... oh well I only had one class the other was cancelled :)
The roads were better today except for the one way streets and alleys, I couldn't even get back into my garage :)
So I'm parked on the steet in front of the house. Makes me nervous especially with the snow and city drivers :)
The roads were better today except for the one way streets and alleys, I couldn't even get back into my garage :)
So I'm parked on the steet in front of the house. Makes me nervous especially with the snow and city drivers :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dang snow... I wish it would just snow a ton or not at all.
School of course did not get cancelled, just snow schedule.
But it was sleeting on my way to school, and it still is now so the roads should be fantastic on my way home... I just keep waiting for them to cancel, cause that's what they did to us last time. We sat around waiting for a class and then they closed the school.
**Note:** Our teacher cancelled our last class. And the roads were aweful.
School of course did not get cancelled, just snow schedule.
But it was sleeting on my way to school, and it still is now so the roads should be fantastic on my way home... I just keep waiting for them to cancel, cause that's what they did to us last time. We sat around waiting for a class and then they closed the school.
**Note:** Our teacher cancelled our last class. And the roads were aweful.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Target is starting a new program to increase leadership abilities in the student pharmacy technicians that it hires. They have been doing it in other districts and decided it was time to try it here in St. Louis. So I had to go to a meeting which was the introduction of this program to the students who will be involved. Basically they are trying to get the students to be the kind of pharmacists that they would like to hire. We will have to do some sort of leadership project at our stores, such as trying to increase autofills in some way. We will have to do some information modules online, and have to go to a meeting with other managers from departments throughout the store and present something about the pharmacy. After all this they will teach us interviewing skills, and we will have a mock interview.
I was a little intimidated about the program because it was the unknown, I had no idea what to expect when they told me about the meeting. But after thinking about what the program is trying to do, I'm actually looking forward to it. These are things that I will need to be working on to be a better pharmacist and a better boss. And a mock interview will definately be good practice since I will be interviewing for pharmacist jobs in about a year... crazy
I was a little intimidated about the program because it was the unknown, I had no idea what to expect when they told me about the meeting. But after thinking about what the program is trying to do, I'm actually looking forward to it. These are things that I will need to be working on to be a better pharmacist and a better boss. And a mock interview will definately be good practice since I will be interviewing for pharmacist jobs in about a year... crazy
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I've been inspired :) by Rachel, lol and boredom. I found these unfinished 4X4 frames at Target for $2.50 for the set. And decided to spruce them up a bit, with an extra, unneeded yellowbook. I might redo the diagonal one, not sure if I like how that one turned out as much.
On a side-note school starts up again tomorrow... I don't feel like the break was long enough, but that's just because I don't get a summer break this year.
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