I'm just about all moved out from the apartment. Everything inside is gone except for cleaning supplies, and then I just have to move everything out from my storage unit downstairs. Not a whole lot down there, but probably a couple trips in my car. I've gone up and down the stairs there I don't even know how many times in the last week or so, and I'm definately feeling it. It's almost like actually going to the gym :) Once I get settled in a little more (aka once I get my stuff unpacked and placed where I want it :) I'll post some pics of the new place when it looks a little less cluttered :)
Tomorrow I'm headed up to the old apartment to clean, vacuum and shampoo the carpets, then I have to paint :*( I have to paint my room back to normal, and I have to paint over Mom's mural... so sad. But I guess we knew that going in, and she's gonna paint a new one at our new place, we already have the picture picked out and everything. Then I'll be ready to turn in my keys! Yay!
I'm really liking living in a house, even if it is an old one that creaks a lot :) And living with Andi is great!
Next week it's back to school. We already have a test on Friday. A math proficiency exam, and you have to pass in order to schedule rotations, otherwise you get stuck with whatever is left over. I'm not too worried about it yet, got a chance to study a little at work tonight. I'm not ready to get back to the books though. This was my last summer break ever and I can't believe it went by soo quickly.